I failed a section of TASP (THEA). What should I do?

The Success Initiative has replaced the TASP test. Students who fail a section of the Success Initiative will be required to take a developmental course before beginning core curriculum courses in that subject, unless the student meets institutional placement requirements into a course. A student may be required to repeat any failed section of the test after completing developmental education courses.

A student who has failed one of the assessment tests must meet the college readiness requirement of the Success Initiative. Students who have previously used the "B rule" have satisfied the Success Initiative requirement of the section.

Students are no longer restricted from taking 3000-4000 level courses in which they will receive 60 hours credit or beyond if they have not satisfied all Success Initiative sections.

To discuss these requirements, meet with a USD advisor in room 320 Student Service Center.

Created: Jul 03, 2003 - 4:38am Updated: Aug 16, 2009 - 12:50pm Author: Web Technologies Article: 743
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