Does it matter if the email address in my profile is no good?

Get Help is a service provided to the students, prospective students, alumni, visitors, faculty and staff of the University of Houston. On occasion it may be necessary for one of our Customer Service Representatives to contact you by email. It is, therefore, important for you to keep the email address in your Get Help profile up-to-date. (To update your email address, click on "Your Account" and log in. Then, click on "Account Profile" and edit your email address in the "Contact Information" section.)

The University of Houston reserves the right to disable any Get Help account that does not have a valid email address and that we deem is being used in an abusive, frivolous or trivial manner. Obscenities or nonsense questions will be ignored and the customer's account disabled.

Created: Feb 28, 2003 - 9:48am Updated: Jan 26, 2011 - 10:30am Author: Web Technologies Article: 563
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