Which visas are eligible to domicile in the state of Texas?

A complete list of visas and information concerning whether they can domicile in Texas is located on the Coordinating Board of Texas Web site, http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/Rules/tac3.cfm?Chapter_ID=21&Subchapter=B#21.23. Students who hold one of these valid visas, and who meet our general requirements may be considered for in-state tuition. For consideration, please verify eligibility on the Coordinating Board of Texas website and submit a residency questionnaire along with supporting documentation to the University of Houston. Residency questionnaires are usually processed within 10 working days.

An example of sufficient documentation for an H-4 student is: A valid H-4 visa, the valid H1B visa for the spouse/parent on which the student is basing his/her claim, and a letter of employment which shows full-time employment for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the student's anticipated enrollment.

Residency questionnaires are not processed for applicants who have not yet applied to the university.

Foreign students who have filed for permanent resident status (I-130, I-485) can be considered for in-state tuition if general requirements have also been met.

Click here to download a copy of the Residency Questionnaire.

Created: Nov 21, 2002 - 10:39am Updated: Sep 01, 2009 - 8:54am Author: Web Technologies Article: 478
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