What do I need to do now that Mail.uh.edu is being retired?

All Mail.uh.edu users who current have an active account have been notified of this event and what steps they need to take. Depending on the category of your current status, you can find the instructions for how to move away from your Mail.uh.edu account as follows:

Employee with no Exchange account - http://bit.ly/UQJwKI

Employee with both Exchange and mail.uh.edu accounts - http://bit.ly/WcfZJm

Forwarded account - http://bit.ly/RhDCeT

Sponsored Account - http://bit.ly/R44Bfv

InActive Person - http://bit.ly/RCHaJp

Other Accounts - http://bit.ly/QhHsWF

Created: Oct 18, 2012 - 5:40am Updated: Dec 11, 2017 - 5:46am Author: UIT Support Center Article: 2615
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