I notice that there are some services that I are missing from the list. How do I access those services and why can't I get to them through AccessUH?

There are many different computing and information services at the University of Houston. Some of these services are operated by University Information Technology (UIT) while others are operated by academic departments or other administrative units. Services will be added on an ongoing basis. The goal is to eventually provide access to the most commonly and widely used services through AccessUH.

· If you operate a service that you would like to add to AcccesUH please send us an email at AccessUH@uh.edu.

· If you are using a service that you would like to see added to AccessUH, please voice your suggestion by filling out the form at https://ssl.uh.edu/infotech/services/accessuh/request-service/index.php.

Created: Feb 16, 2012 - 8:7am Updated: Feb 21, 2012 - 5:50am Author: Web Technologies Article: 2555
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