How do I set up Eudora for the Exchange server?

To configure Eudora to check email on the Exchange server:

1. In Eudora, go to the Tools menu and select Options.
2. Click on the Getting Started icon (on the left).
3. Enter Name (return address is optional, your alias is recommended: Example:
4. Enter Mail server name,
5. Enter Login Name (domain\exchange alias). Example: cougarnet\jcougar.
Remember your exchange alias may be different from your regular userid.
6. Enter SMTP Server name:
7. Click on Checking Mail.
Mail Server name should match the information entered from the Getting Started icon.
8. Click on Incoming Mail. The Server Configuration is IMAP.

Created: Jul 30, 2002 - 9:0am Updated: Oct 28, 2011 - 3:13am Author: Web Technologies Article: 240
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