I am a Student, Staff, or Faculty member at UH. How much will Windows 7 cost?

Windows 7 Pro is free to UH Faculty and Staff for use on university-owned equipment. The ISO image can be downloaded from the UH Faculty/Staff software site, http://software.uh.edu .

The UH Key Management Server (KMS) will authenticate the Windows 7 as well as the Windows Vista installations. No individual license key is necessary. For more information on how to use the KMS server with Windows 7 and Windows Vista, search for KMS in the Get Help solutions database at www.uh.edu/get-help.

Students can purchase a DVD of Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade through the Cougar Byte in the University Center (UC) for $19 each. The Cougar Byte carries both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Visit the Cougar Byte website at www.cougarbyte.com for more information.

For general questions about Windows 7, please consult the Windows 7 Solutions Center, located at http://support.microsoft.com/ph/14019 .

Created: Oct 21, 2009 - 4:59pm Updated: May 10, 2016 - 3:27am Author: Web Technologies Article: 2217
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