Will there be driver compatibility issues in Windows 7?

Some programs are not yet compatible with the new Windows 7 operating system. If for some reason the program you are trying to install is not starting, try these steps:

1. Click on the "Start" button.
2. In the "Search programs and files" window, type the phrase "Program Compatibility".
3. A menu called "Program Compatibility" will appear on your screen. This will create a Windows Vista/XP environment for your program to use.
4. Click the "Next" button.
5. A list with various programs will appear on your screen. Select the program that you are having a problem with.
6. Next you will be given two options to choose from. From this menu you can choose either item that tailors to your specific needs. You may choose "Try recommended Settings" so the computer can test run your program under its recommended settings.
7. From here you can click "Start the program" button.
8. Your "User Account Control" program will ask you if you want to make changes to your computer. Click the "Yes" button.
9. Your program will start normally from now.

For general questions about Windows 7, please consult the Windows 7 Solutions Center, located at http://support.microsoft.com/ph/14019

Created: Oct 21, 2009 - 4:19pm Updated: May 10, 2016 - 3:28am Author: Web Technologies Article: 2210
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