How do I redirect email sent to a account to another email address?

The following will help you redirect email sent to a account to another email address.

Redirecting Bayou Email Using .forward
Log in to your account.
Create a file called ".forward" (with no quotation marks) containing the new address with the Pico text editor using the command

pico .forward

The screen will change.
Type the email address where you want the email to be delivered.
When finished typing the address, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key and press the X key. Release both keys.
You will be prompted to save. Type Y
You will be prompted to confirm the file name .forward
If it is correct, press the Enter key (near the Shift key).
If not, correct the name and press Enter.

Testing to Make Sure It Works
We recommend sending a test message to the email address of your Bayou account and checking your mail from the intended destination account to make sure this worked.

Removing the Forwarding
To remove the forwarding, you can rename the .forward file or delete it.

If you intend to use the forwarding again to the same email address, rename the .forward file to .oldforward. To rename the .forward file, use the command

mv .forward .oldforward

If you do not intend to use the forwarding again to the same email address, delete the .forward file.
To delete the .forward file, use the command

rm .forward

Created: Aug 03, 2009 - 5:17pm Updated: Aug 30, 2012 - 5:52am Author: Web Technologies Article: 2196
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