What do I need to know about the telephone update?

The University of Houston will begin an update of its Cisco IP phones soon. The update is expected to take most of the day. Your personal greetings and other settings will not change as a result of this update.

Changes from the Upgrade

1) Distribution Lists
2) Security
3) Personal Directory (coming soon)
1) Distribution Lists

The first change will enable you to send messages to a distribution list of your choosing. To use this feature, you should:

  1. Access the voice messaging system
  2. Select the Personal Configuration menu by pressing the 4 key
  3. Select the Manage Personal Distribution Lists menu by pressing the 6 key

Once you have set up a distribution list, you may use it after you access the voice messaging system and select the Send Messages menu by pressing the 2 key.

2) Security -
3) Personal Directory (coming soon) -

For More Information

Check out the Resources page for a quick reference card and phone tutorials.

If you have questions, you can email voicemail@uh.edu , contact the IT Support Center at (713) 743-1411 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), or contact your local IT support provider.

For more information about the telephone update, check out www.uh.edu/voicemail .

Created: Mar 17, 2009 - 6:14pm Updated: Aug 30, 2012 - 5:52am Author: Web Technologies Article: 2185
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