When I try to log in to my Windows domain account, I get an "Account locked" error. What do I do?

Review these answers:


"Account locked" means you have tried the wrong password (or wrong userid) too many times. After an account is locked, even the correct password will not log you in. This is a security feature to protect the account owners.

You will have to wait 30 minutes for the lock to clear. If you are sure you have the correct password, you can wait 30 minutes from the last log-in attempt and try again.

If it still does not work or if you do not know your password, you will need to have your password reset. You can reset your password online from the Computer Account Management Web Site (formerly "Password Reset web site") at www.uh.edu/infotech/password or go to the IT Support Center in Room 116 of Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall (PGH) to get the password reset. You will need to have your Cougar 1Card. Otherwise, you can call the IT Help Desk at 713-743-1411. Please be prepared to provide your Cougar 1Card at that time.

Created: Jul 15, 2002 - 8:29am Updated: Oct 28, 2011 - 3:15am Author: Web Technologies Article: 214
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