I would like to apply for admission, but I have not taken or passed, the $thea (THEA), formerly known as TASP. Can I apply?

http://www.uh.edu/admissions/undergraduate/apply-transfer/transfer-credit/The $thea (THEA), formerly known as the $tasp (TASP), is not an admission requirement so you may apply for admission before taking the exam. However, the THEA exam will be required before you enroll at the University of Houston.

Click the link below to access "Texas Success Initiative" general information and exemptions, signup for THEA online, view testing dates, take the practice test on the Web, and access other important information regarding THEA.

$acc: $thea (THEA), formerly TASP.

Created: Jun 03, 2002 - 2:12am Updated: Sep 01, 2009 - 8:54am Author: Web Technologies Article: 117
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